Millbank Gardens

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At Millbank Gardens Primary Academy, we believe that art is an essential part of a well-rounded education. Our aim is that children develop both as artists and as art critics as they make and study art. They do so under the guidance of our specialist art teacher, Miss Chandler, who is herself a practising artist and who has worked as an art educator with a number of prestigious galleries, including the National Gallery.

Our art curriculum introduces children to a range of artists and traditions, both historical and contemporary, from different cultures and backgrounds. Each half term, the children’s work is inspired by a key image, artefact or movement, which children study in depth. They learn about how and why the artwork was created, and they think critically about its impact on society. This allows them to develop a repertoire of technical and contextual knowledge that supports the development of their practical skills. They use these skills to produce creative artwork of their own, through which they can respond to the key images they have studied and explore their own ideas. They do this in a range of media in our dedicated art room: drawing, painting, collage-making, printing, sculpting and textiles. However, we also lean on opportunities in our local area to offer pupils the experience of ‘art in action’, including making connections with local art galleries and exhibitions, including at the nearby Tate Britain. Workshops by visiting practitioners and artistic clubs also help make art an important part of school life.

One of the highlights of our art programme is our annual art exhibition. Here, we showcase the wonderful work created by our children throughout the year, and we celebrate the creativity and hard work taken to produce it. The exhibition gives our young artists the chance to share their creations and also builds their confidence in their achievements.