Millbank Gardens

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At Millbank Gardens, our aim is that children become mathematically fluent problem-solvers who are confident in their ability to work with number and to reason logically.

To achieve this, we work to provide all children with a strong number sense. We start by using concrete resources to help children gain a deep conceptual understanding of number before moving on to pictorial and, finally, abstract representations. At all stages, we give children plenty of opportunities to practise and discuss what they are learning. This gives them the automaticity to navigate increasingly complex mathematical problems: children are able to apply their mathematical understanding more creatively, without devoting as much ‘mental energy’ to recalling mathematical facts or carrying out calculations. In addition, our lessons give children the opportunities to develop their problem solving skills in a variety of contexts. We encourage them to learn from any mistakes they make and to have the confidence to tackle unfamiliar problems with enthusiasm and resilience.

We use a curriculum called White Rose Maths, which carefully plans out the small steps that children need to make in order to master particular topics or operations. As we deliver it, our teachers regularly check children’s understanding so that we are able to provide additional support or challenge wherever it is needed. We also prioritise children’s development of mathematical vocabulary, as we believe that to reason rigorously, children need the language to articulate their ideas precisely. The impact of this approach can be seen in the achievements of our children by the time they leave us. In recent years, we have seen excellent results from our Year 6 mathematicians – both at SATS and in national competitions, such as the Junior Mathematical Challenge. What is most important to us, though, is the positive feedback we have received from visiting secondary school teachers about how effectively we prepare children for the challenges of Year 7 and beyond.

Maths at Millbank Gardens is led by Miss Field, a highly experienced teaching and a recognised Local Leader of Maths Education, who is regularly asked to share her skills and expertise with other local primary schools. Under her guidance, our teaching approaches are continually refined to ensure that every lesson is inspiring, challenging and appropriately pitched to meet the needs of our children.