Millbank Gardens

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We offer a rich and varied music programme that engages and includes every child, fostering a lifelong appreciation for music. From their first days in school, children are taught by a specialist music teacher, and they follow a diverse curriculum that develops their knowledge, confidence and creativity. As part of this, they learn to sing, to perform a range of instruments, and to create and compose music on their own and alongside others. In Years 4 and 5, children are able to choose to specialise in the violin, the flute or the clarinet, which they learn for two years during music lessons; those who wish to continue with their instrument in Year 6 have the opportunity to do so.

Music at Millbank Gardens goes well beyond lessons. Our weekly singing assemblies bring the school together in song, and we have a range of popular musical clubs (both choral and instrumental). All children perform in school concerts each year, sharing their achievements with family and friends, while we also perform regularly for other members of our community, including emergency service workers and residents at older people’s homes.

In addition, we have developed an important partnership with Pimlico Music Foundation, which provides additional opportunities for all children to perform together, including, most recently, as part of the opening performance of ‘SouthWestFest’, the cultural festival for south Westminster. We also support interested children to take part in PMF’s outstanding choirs and other musical opportunities.

We are lucky to live in a part of London with many nearby concert venues. All children attend concerts at prestigious venues such as the Royal College of Music as part of our programme of trips. Such trips expand children’s knowledge of different musical styles and inspire them to explore their own musical talents further.

We have a bright, airy music room set a little distance apart from the rest of the school, meaning that we do not need to worry if our music-making becomes a little noisy! It is well-equipped with a range of instruments, from guitars and drums to ukuleles and tambourines.