Millbank Gardens

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Our Houses

Every child in Year 1 and above is a member of one of four houses. Our house system allows children to get to know, learn from and work alongside children of different ages. It fosters a sense of belonging and togetherness, and it helps create an inclusive school environment where every child feels valued and connected. It also gives each child greater opportunities to contribute their ideas and skills to the shaping of our community.

At the suggestion of our students, each house is named after a tree, each with its own distinctive colour. This reflects our school’s name, our tree logo and our commitment to ensuring that children experience and learn to value the natural world. It also represents that Millbank Gardens is a place for children to grow. Our houses are:

  • Oak (green), named after a tree that symbolises strength and courage.
  • Ash (yellow), named after a tree representing healing and adaptability.
  • Maple (orange), named after a tree known for its endurance and healing properties.
  • Rowan (red), named after a tree associated with protection and caring.

To motivate children to display our values, they earn points for their house by demonstrating courage, courtesy and commitment. Whether it is striving for excellence in their work, going out of their way to help a peer or having a go at something they find daunting, positive actions are recognised and rewarded. When children are awarded a house point, they receive a golden coin for their house’s coin collector in our main building. House points are tallied regularly, and the house with the most points is celebrated in our assembly each fortnight.

Over the course of each year, children take part in a variety of house events, including sports days, poetry competitions and creative challenges. These events help to strengthen our sense of community and provide long-lasting memories while encouraging children to aim for excellence in a range of fields.

Through our house system, we provide many opportunities for children to take on responsibilities in our school. Older children, for example, spend time reading with our younger children in Nursery and Reception, which develops responsibility and compassion in our Key Stage 2 children, and provides a positive role model for our children in Early Years. Children can also volunteer in their houses as playground buddies, helping to ensure that playtime is a happy and socially rewarding time for all their peers. Many spend time contributing to the running of our school through other roles too, from librarians to weather station monitors.

In these ways, our house system develops confident, caring, considerate young people with the skills and character that will set them up for success at secondary school and beyond.