Millbank Gardens

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School Food

Lunch is an important part of our school day. We see meals as an opportunity for children to enjoy food and to share conversation.

We are proud of the quality of the food we offer: although children are, of course, welcome to bring in their own packed lunches if they prefer, the vast majority choose to eat the meals we serve. These are prepared freshly on our site each day by Chef Dario and his experienced team, and there is always a choice of hot dishes alongside our salad bar - and, of course, dessert! Meals are carefully planned with input from our school council so that they appeal to young children’s palates but are also healthy and nutritionally balanced. Our menus run on a three-week cycle to allow variety, and Dario often treats us to special theme days as well.

Our catering team is always happy to work with parents whose children have allergies or other dietary needs, to ensure that we are meeting those needs while still providing a delicious lunch every day. Moreover, we know that younger children can sometimes be reluctant to try new foods, and our menus are designed to ensure that there is something for everyone. We always aim, though, gently to support children to try more adventurous foods. Where children require particular encouragement, we invite them to join an afternoon food-tasting group, where we slowly expand the textures and tastes of food they eat – and our youngest children take part in food-tasting activities linked to the stories they are reading in class.

Lunch is about more than just the food: it is also a time to sit down and spend time together as a class. We ask children to stay with their friends for the whole of the dining period rather than leaving the table as soon as they have finished. This gives us all a chance to speak to each other, and to share news, stories and jokes. There is, of course, plenty of time for everyone to run around and play as well!

We know that young minds cannot concentrate if they are hungry, and there are other opportunities for children to have a snack as well. Thanks to our partnership with Magic Breakfast, children are able to receive a free breakfast. All children in Nursery, Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 receive a free portion of fruit every day as a snack; and in Nursery, they receive milk too, again without any charge. All children are welcome, if they wish, to bring in a healthy snack to eat at morning break or while waiting for any after school clubs they may have.